Case Studies

Office workers communicationg
Office workers communicationg

Case Study: Communications

Defining what makes a purpose-led brand.


A service-based organization wanted to understand how to become recognized as a ‘purpose-led brand’ among their target and a broader audience.


Upwords custom designed virtual insight-building sessions with their target.

In these Focus Groups, our expert moderator dug into the factors related to trust in general and trust in brands. We provided a safe space for participants to articulate disconnects between what brands say and what they do, and how this impacts brand trust and the factors that impact authenticity.

We also discussed what brands with purpose look like and why it is important (or not) to the target.


Observing these sessions allowed the client stakeholder team to hear first-hand how their target perceives purpose related activities. It was vastly different from what the stakeholders believed they would hear. 

In our Insight Summary and Insight Activation Session we presented a clear story to help them to understand how to focus their narrative and the actions that needed to stand behind that narrative. We helped provide clarity around the measures to track that would tie back to their actions in a meaningful way.