Case Studies


Case Study: Experiences


A retail company wanted to improve the B2B and B2C customer journey and contextualize content needs.


Upwords custom designed a three-phase iterative approach:

Phase 1: 6 Expert Interviews with senior employees within the organization, for context

Phase 2: In-Depth Interviews with B2B customers enabled deep exploration of pain points, customized by customer industry

Phase 3: Online Discussion Board with customers provided an efficient, comprehensive method to collect detailed journey information


The cross-functional teams from marketing, sales, customer experience and operations were able to create clear action plans directly from the insights Upwords presented.

Our Insight Summary clearly and visually identified the pain points with the greatest impact, and we prioritized customers’ wishes for the future.

Further, we identified the information needs at each critical touchpoint, inspiring the clients’ agency partners to create customized, relevant content.