Case Studies

Person blogging
Person blogging

Case Study: Strategy

Creating Employer Branding Clarity and Inspiration


Our client, a crown corporation, wanted to improve its overall image and reputation as an employer. This encompassed how the organization was perceived by both internal and external stakeholders, including potential talent, current employees, and industry peers.


Upwords created a unique qualitative experience for potential and existing employees, where they could anonymously provide in-depth feedback on several draft employer communications, including a new Purpose Statement, Corporate Values and Lead Advantages.

Our unique ‘Insight Blog’ research approach allowed employees at all levels to have a voice.

Thanks to our iterative project design, the stakeholder team was able to refine their ideas quickly and efficiently.


The client came away with great empathy around their employee base and their prospective employees.

Our Insight Summary provided clear implications that enabled them to refine their internal and external employment brand communications.

As a result, their strategy focuses on humanizing their employees and using them to personify the brand. They feature testimonials from real employees in social media. Their purpose was strategically tweaked and is now more authentic and believable.